Walk and talk/Exploratory walk
ACTIVITY TYPE Informing Consulting Deciding together Supporting the action Reflection and feedback Involving Dialogue DESCRIPTION An exploratory walk is a field observation method done by a small group. This is a flexible tool that brings people to explore and observe water management spaces and areas. Depending on the materials provided to participants (observation sheets, base […]
Question techniques
ACTIVITY TYPE Informing Consulting Deciding together Supporting the action Involving Dialogue Reflection and feedback DESCRIPTION Question techniques to guide and structure the discussion process. There are different types of questions: Open questions. The most effective open questions are usually the W-questions: Who? When? How? Which ones? What? Where? By what? Open questions ensure the receipt […]
Think – Pair – Share
ACTIVITY TYPE Consulting Deciding together Supporting the action Reflection and feedback DESCRIPTION An easy method to brainstorm on a question (this could focus on ideas, solutions, challenges etc.) and to make sure that everybody gets their opinion in and are involved in the process. WATER/ AGRICULTURE EXAMPLE It is worth using this method when working […]
5 x Why?
ACTIVITY TYPE Consulting Deciding together DESCRIPTION The purpose of the stand-up is first and foremost to provide a quick guidance. With the 5x Why questions, a problem is to be understood in depth and not just scratched on the surface. The principle is very simple: you ask, for example, like a toddler, “Why” over and […]
ACTIVITY TYPE Consulting DESCRIPTION Fishbowl is a method for discussions in large groups. The intention of Fishbowl is to bring a group of people as heterogeneously composed as possible into intensive discussions on certain key questions. The form of the fishbowl makes controversial discussions possible. It also clarifies and channels different positions. Fishbowl, for example, […]
A world cafe
ACTIVITY TYPE Informing Consulting Deciding together Dialogue Involving Reflection and feedback DESCRIPTION A world café event can enable people to participate through speaking or simply listening or both. The linked conversations from several small groups helps to identify common themes and bring about new insights. WATER AGRICULTURE When there are 3 or 5 most important […]
Six thinking hats
ACTIVITY TYPE Consulting Deciding together Reflection and feedback DESCRIPTION This tool enables groups to look at a decision from several points of view. It was created by Edward de Bono in his book Six Thinking Hats and is an important and powerful technique. The tool is used to look at decisions from a number of important perspectives. […]
Walt Disney
ACTIVITY TYPE Consulting Deciding together DESCRIPTION On the basis of a role play, several people look at and discuss a situation from three different perspectives (roles). The Walt-Disney-Method method looks for the solidarity between creativity and feasibility. Goals and visions are transferred into a form that is suitable for practical application. The method serves to […]
Local Solutions
ACTIVITY TYPE Informing Consulting DESCRIPTION This is a group exercise to investigate local solutions to a problem, list and explain the strengths and weaknesses, and investigate how development workers or other partners could support the solution. It provides a basis for building on or adapting local skills and technology. It assumes that a key problem […]