County Level
Map services – tool for enhancing data availability
Publicly data used for planning against environmental problems CHALLENGE DESCRIPTION In Sweden there is a lot of data publicly available, which could be used for planning measures against different environmental problems related to water. There are several issues concerning how to make this information easily accessible for those who are planning measures, and who eventually […]
Water partnerships
How to build local cooperation for water management in communes? CHALLENGE DESCRIPTION Preparing Polish agriculture for the ongoing climate change is an extremely necessary task that requires the involvement of not only the administration at all levels, but above all the water users themselves, whose decisions directly affect the quantity and quality of water in […]
How to build cooperation models concerning water management in agricultural areas
Training: The role and tasks of Local Water Partnership leaders in landscape water management processes. Using the Living Lab method. CHALLENGE DESCRIPTION The solution is a response to the problem of cooperation and development of solutions for water activities in agricultural areas. The reason for the problem was the assumption of the process of conducting […]