Ecosystem service evaluation
Strengthening of integrated spatial planning

CHALLENGE DESCRIPTION Planning process involves more or less only land use planning and it is facing problems of different problem-solving instrument introduction in planning process. In higher document of planning “Sustainable Development Strategy of Latvia until 2030” (, two from seven priorities are – innovative and eco-efficient economy, and nature as future capital, and vision for interaction of these two priorities involves ecosystem service use. Nowadays there is need to include in planning process not only land use planning, but also scenarios of ecosystem development, what could be done through the case studies. Due to the fast-changing situation, there is need for holistic planning, which covers needs of nature, society and economic equally. Svete river is influenced not only by agricultural lands, but also from urbanised territories, and these kind of natural territories EU commission suggests not to build up in process of urban sprawl (Cities of tomorrow. Challenges, visions, ways forward). Use of spatial planning maps in base of Svete river evaluation ensures more easy involvement of results in local spatial planning (cadastral boundaries and territorial land use division). Land use maps are also the one which are available (open source). In Latvia still, River basin planning is strongly divided from spatial planning, and use of common base material would help improve connected planning. Polluted area information, land use planning, and river basin management plans in real life are separated information, and there is need for integrating of different sources due to river pollution management and reduction.

DESCRIPTION OF THE SOLUTION At first is need to involve stakeholders and define problems and vision of Svēte river development. Stakeholder involvement is important for ecosystem service method use, as it ensures local aspect involvement. Ecosystem service evaluation in connection to the land use map ensures easier use of data in planning process. Methods used – interviews, questionnaire. Interviews and questionnaires is made with the aim to identify the most important problems, and also to define the most favourable ways of communication with municipality. For the stakeholder important is easy in use maps. The one could be used is GIS Collector. In the GIS Collector base would be layers of cadastral data, spatial planning data, water feature layer.

POSSIBILITY OF ADAPTING THE SOLUTION More important is adaption of solution in country level, about which is started discussion through other projects. In the future it would be important to adapt solutions in cross border context, as river basins of Latvia are largely influenced by cross border pollution.
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