IT equipment
ACTIVITY TYPE Informing Consulting Deciding together Supporting action Involving Dialogue Reflection and feedback DESCRIPTION Living Labs is a method aimed at active involvement of citizens in processes – mainly long-term ones. Its advantage is that it allows for formalizing the framework of cooperation, inviting (and also maintaining in the process) key groups of stakeholders, and […]
The Headstand method
ACTIVITY TYPE Consulting Deciding together Supporting the action Involving DESCRIPTION This method is reversing challenges or questions in order to examine with the group everything that should not be done. Later, the findings on what should not be done are turned around and therefore become solutions. The method also called “Reverse brainstorming”, functions as a […]
Local Solutions
ACTIVITY TYPE Informing Consulting DESCRIPTION This is a group exercise to investigate local solutions to a problem, list and explain the strengths and weaknesses, and investigate how development workers or other partners could support the solution. It provides a basis for building on or adapting local skills and technology. It assumes that a key problem […]
High five – desire for the future
ACTIVITY TYPE Reflection and feedback DESCRIPTION The facilitator shares a story or example of what could be a desire for the future concerning a change in a project or a situation. The example is intended to inspire others to think about the future. After this, participants are invited to take a moment to think about […]