

ACTIVITY TYPE Informing Consulting Deciding together Supporting action Involving Dialogue Reflection and feedback  DESCRIPTION Living Labs is a method aimed at active involvement of citizens in processes – mainly long-term ones. Its advantage is that it allows for formalizing the framework of cooperation, inviting (and also maintaining in the process) key groups of stakeholders, and […]

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The Headstand method

ACTIVITY TYPE Consulting Deciding together Supporting the action Involving DESCRIPTION This method is reversing challenges or questions in order to examine with the group everything that should not be done. Later, the findings on what should not be done are turned around and therefore become solutions. The method also called “Reverse brainstorming”, functions as a […]

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Flash/ Flash Light

ACTIVITY TYPE Informing  Consulting  Deciding together  Supporting the action  Supporting the action  Involving DESCRIPTION In a flash light, the participants may briefly reflect their current assessment of the situation or their current mood, what moves them right now or since the last meeting, or what expectations they bring with them. Also, if a meeting “hangs” […]

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ACTIVITY TYPE Informing  Consulting  Supporting the action  Reflection and feedback  DESCRIPTION Line-up or sociographic location serves to spatially visualize group constellations on a specific issue. The method is often used at the beginning of a workshop or seminar to loosen up and to introduce the topic with appropriate questions. WATER/ AGRICULTURE EXAMPLE Could be used […]

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Question techniques

ACTIVITY TYPE Informing  Consulting  Deciding together  Supporting the action  Involving Dialogue Reflection and feedback DESCRIPTION Question techniques to guide and structure the discussion process. There are different types of questions:  Open questions. The most effective open questions are usually the W-questions: Who? When? How? Which ones? What? Where? By what? Open questions ensure the receipt […]

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Card query procedure/ Comment cards

ACTIVITY TYPE Consulting  Deciding together  Supporting the action  Involving Reflection and feedback DESCRIPTION Comments cards are a simple and low-cost way for service users to write down and post their thoughts and/or feedback. WATER/ AGRICULTURE EXAMPLE  Using comment cards (aka the yellow sticky note technique) can be useful for your initial work: 1. For the first […]

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Think – Pair – Share

ACTIVITY TYPE Consulting  Deciding together  Supporting the action  Reflection and feedback  DESCRIPTION An easy method to brainstorm on a question (this could focus on ideas, solutions, challenges etc.) and to make sure that everybody gets their opinion in and are involved in the process. WATER/ AGRICULTURE EXAMPLE It is worth using this method when working […]

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5 x Why?

ACTIVITY TYPE Consulting  Deciding together  DESCRIPTION The purpose of the stand-up is first and foremost to provide a quick guidance. With the 5x Why questions, a problem is to be understood in depth and not just scratched on the surface.  The principle is very simple: you ask, for example, like a toddler, “Why” over and […]

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ACTIVITY TYPE Consulting  DESCRIPTION Fishbowl is a method for discussions in large groups. The intention of Fishbowl is to bring a group of people as heterogeneously composed as possible into intensive discussions on certain key questions. The form of the fishbowl makes controversial discussions possible. It also clarifies and channels different positions. Fishbowl, for example, […]

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A world cafe

ACTIVITY TYPE Informing  Consulting  Deciding together  Dialogue Involving Reflection and feedback  DESCRIPTION A world café event can enable people to participate through speaking or simply listening or both. The linked conversations from several small groups helps to identify common themes and bring about new insights. WATER AGRICULTURE  When there are 3 or 5 most important […]

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